The enemy is drawing near … It’ll attack without mercy and without discrimination. Men, women, children, the young and the old will all suffer. This enemy is known as winter. The first to fall will be those who are most vulnerable, those without homes, without heat, without sufficient food. The world has forgotten them.
We cannot allow our inaction to cost precious lives. Please help us in saving as many as we possibly can by providing them with homes, heating, heavy warm blankets, food packs and warm clothing.
Last year, with your help, we were able to provide aid for those most in need. Only with your help, we were able to save lives, we were able to provide relief, we were able to make a difference.
Help us, help them! Your donation could be the means of their survival for those most in need in Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Rohingya, Uganda, Yemen, Malawi, Gaza and Afghanistan.